Express Heat Therapy

Knee Pain: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Causes of Knee Pain Treatment & Prevention

Knee pain, for that matter, any physical pain, is like an unwelcome guest. Knee pain is a sign that something is wrong and requires you to care for this crucial joint. The knees play a star role in your daily activities, from walking, sitting, and running to bending and kneeling. Care for them; any time you experience knee pain, be aware of the causes, treatment, and prevention well in advance. 

This blog is comprehensive in its approach and can come in handy for our readers when they experience knee pain and want a quick overview. 

Learning About Knee Pain Causes

Common reasons for knee pain caused without injury are usually overweight, overexertion, etc. However, for a better understanding of the knee pain causes, we have divided the reasons into these two parts: 

Causes of Knee Pain With Injury

Ligament Injuries: It is the injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or medial collateral ligament (MCL). These injuries are common for athletes or people engaged in activities that require sudden changes in direction.

Meniscus Tears: The meniscus can tear during activities that cause direct pressure from a forced twist or rotation of the knee.

Tendon Injuries: Jumper knee is an injury to the tendon that connects your kneecap to your shinbone. It is common in sports like basketball, running, skiing, cycling and any jumping sports and activities. 

Fractures: Any fall on stairs, slippery floors, or vehicle accidents can injure the bones of the knee, including the kneecap, causing immense pain in the knees. 
Dislocation: The knee joint may dislocate, a condition where the bones of the knee are out of place, either partially or wholly.

Causes of Knee Pain Without Injury

Arthritis Variants Impacting the Knee: Get a proper diagnosis from the doctor to know which form of arthritis your knee is affected with: 

  • Osteoarthritis: usually the result of aging and wear and tear. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: it is an autoimmune disorder. It targets the lining of knee joints, causing inflammation. 
  • Gout: results from uric acid crystals in the joint. 
  • Lupus: can cause pain and swelling in the knees.

Bursitis – Overuse-Induced Inflammation: It may happen due to the frequent kneeling or overuse of the knees, leading to inflammation of the bursae. Consider it as tiny fluid-filled sacs cushioning the knee joint.

“Runner’s Knee,” The Athlete’s Challenge: Athletes with misalignment issues in the knee region have to bear increased stress on their joints during physical activity, leading to ‘Runner’s Knee’.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease in Growing Adolescents: Growing adolescents experience this. It happens due to the stress of repeated activities, like running and jumping, during periods of rapid growth.

Tendinitis: The tendons become inflamed with activities that involve ascending or descending (like going up and down stairs, hills or any inclined plane). This inflammation leads to pain and can restrict movement.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Iliotibial band is a ligament that runs along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin and becomes tight or inflamed after extreme levels of running or cycling.

Knowing the cause of your knee pain is the right start to determine what treatment to pick that provides the perfect relief and comfort. Please note that the proper knee pain treatment begins with choosing the correct cause of knee pain.

Bursitis – Overuse-Induced Inflammation: It may happen due to the frequent kneeling or overuse of the knees, leading to inflammation of the bursae. Consider it as tiny fluid-filled sacs cushioning the knee joint.

“Runner’s Knee,” The Athlete’s Challenge: Athletes with misalignment issues in the knee region have to bear increased stress on their joints during physical activity, leading to ‘Runner’s Knee’.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease in Growing Adolescents: Growing adolescents experience this. It happens due to the stress of repeated activities, like running and jumping, during periods of rapid growth.

Tendinitis: The tendons become inflamed with activities that involve ascending or descending (like going up and down stairs, hills or any inclined plane). This inflammation leads to pain and can restrict movement.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Iliotibial band is a ligament that runs along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin and becomes tight or inflamed after extreme levels of running or cycling.

Knowing the cause of your knee pain is the right start to determine what treatment to pick that provides the perfect relief and comfort. Please note that the proper knee pain treatment begins with choosing the correct cause of knee pain.

Knee Pain Symptoms

Pay attention to these symptoms of knee pain. These symptoms may vary for every individual in severity and nature: 

  • It may range from constant aches to sharp, severe pain. It might be localized or more generalized.
  • The pain might be accompanied by swelling and stiffness, especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods.
  • The knee area may feel warm to the touch and appear red, indicating inflammation.
  • You might feel weakness in your knees.
  • Some people experience a grinding noise or sensation when they move their knees.
  • One may be unable to straighten the knee without pain.
  • There is usually a decreased range of motion to perform activities like walking, climbing stairs, or getting in and out of chairs.

Knee Pain Treatment 

Here are the treatments for knee pain, and it is highly appreciated that they are considered general approaches that need to be checked once with your healthcare provider before actual practice. 

  • Rest and Avoidance of Stressful Activities: Pause and restart the key when doing strenuous activities that aggravate knee pain, like running or jumping, is crucial.
  • Ice Therapy: Applying ice to the knee with medically approved ice pads can benefit the level of pain and swelling. It’s especially effective after an injury right after a strenuous physical activity.
  • Compression and Elevation: Using a compression bandage can help prevent fluid buildup in the knee joint while elevating the leg can reduce swelling.
  • Physical Therapy: Gentle exercises learnt from a professional help strengthen the muscles around the knee. It leads to improved stability and function.
  • Pain Relievers: If natural remedies are not proven to be effective, you may opt for over-the-counter pain relief medications. 
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Nothing can beat the power of lifestyle modifications such as weight loss and regular but not very hard exercises to reduce stress on the knee and improve overall joint health.
  • Injections: For unmanageable pain and lubricating the knee joint, healthcare providers may recommend injections. 
  • Surgery: In severe cases, the orthopedic surgeon may suggest surgical options. It includes arthroscopy, partial knee replacement, or total knee replacement may be considered.

Please note these are general approaches to treating knee pain. The golden rule in taking care of your knees is to be gentle with them so that they help you keep moving through life without a creak.

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