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The 8 Best Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

yoga for stress relief

Are we all truly happy? Do we genuinely lead the lives that were meant to be ours? According to an international poll conducted in 2012, four out of ten people said they worry a lot (42%), are stressed out (41%), and have bodily discomfort (31%); slightly more than three out of ten said they worry a lot. A more significant proportion of respondents(23%) felt furious, and almost one-fourth(28%) felt melancholy. Let’s steer away from delving into the causes of stress and instead focus on the enduring practice of yoga as a proven method for stress relief.

Why Are We Suggesting Yoga Poses for Stress Relief?

Yoga is a time-tested, scientifically proven technique to reduce stress levels in the body. Basically, yoga advocates the harmonization of the body, mind, and spirit. In yoga, the body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected. It is a means to not only connect with oneself but with some supreme power. 

Let us dive into an immersive experience where we have picked 8 Yoga Exercises for Stress relief. So get ready to Rebalance

  • Rejuvenate 
  • Revitalize with these yoga poses for stress relief

8 Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

Before we discuss the yoga exercises for stress, it is essential to follow the upcoming guidelines to gain the most out of every yoga pose, be it for stress relief or any other cause. 

  1. Listen to your body and remember to pay attention to your physical capacity/limits. 
  2. Do a gentle warm-up to prepare your body for the practice ahead. 
  3. Focus on your breath to cultivate mindfulness.
  4. Stay hydrated at all times, especially while doing the yoga poses. Keep a water bottle alongside and keep taking small sips. 
  5. Follow the step-by-step guide or instructor’s guidelines to prevent injuries and ensure maximum benefit from the poses.
  6. Be present and exercise with complete mindfulness. 
  7. Respect your limitations and do as much as your body allows.

Child’s Pose (Balasana):

  • Exhale, lower your hips to your heels and take a table pose on a mat. 
  • With your palms lying on the mat, extend your arms forward and bring your forehead to the mat.
  • Relax your entire body and place your forehead on the mat.
  • Hold the pose for several breaths, with a complete focus on deep breathing. 

How it helps relieve stress:

  • The forward folding motion encourages relaxation and calms the mind, which leads to serenity and tranquility.


Corpse Pose (Savasana):

  • Lie flat on your back. Keep your arms at your sides with palms facing up.
  • Close your eyes and think that the stress is getting off your body, muscles, and every smallest part of your body. 
  • Just enjoy the process of deep breathing with your mind still. 

How it helps relieve stress:

  • We call it the let-go posture, where you let go of any stress from your mind and body. The aim is to relax and leave everything behind that stresses you. 
  • Savasana is all about promoting stress relief, mental clarity, and a sense of inner peace.


Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana):

  • Lie on your back and do these 3 things: 
  • Bend your knees
  • Keep your feet hip-width apart, 
  • Try to get your heels close to your buttocks.
  • Put pressure on your feet and then lift your hips upwards. 
  • At this position, press your arms into the mat to lift yourself. 

How This Yoga Pose Helps In Relieving Stress: 

  • This pose relaxes the muscles of the chest and shoulders. It is an excellent pose to release the stress of hunched muscles due to poor posture. It is undoubtedly a significant fatigue and stress buster.


Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani):

Sit sideways next to a wall with your hip touching the wall.

  • Your upper body should rest on the mat with your legs against the wall. Try to have your legs perpendicular to the ground. Also, try to get your hips closer to the wall. 
  • If it seems challenging, then you can have your feet on the wall hip-width apart. 
  • With your arms on the sides and palms facing upwards, relax your body and mind now. 

How it helps relieve stress:

  • Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose promotes relaxation by reversing the blood flow, which reduces swelling in the legs. With the rush of blood to the nervous system, it does calm the nervous system and brings a sense of calm and tranquility.


Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana):

How to do the pose:

  • Sit on a mat and extend your legs in front of you. 
  • Now, gently inhale. It should lengthen your spine, and with this, exhale and fold forward over your legs.
  • Try to attempt to make your arms and hands reach the tip of your toes or shins. All along this, keep your spine long and chest open.
  • Let your head hang heavy while you relax your shoulders and neck.

How it helps relieve stress:

  • This pose stretches the spine, hamstrings, and calves, releasing tension and promoting relaxation.


Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana):

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the mat.
  • Now comes the absolute relaxation pose, where you make your knees fall open to the sides. This position will bring immense relief to your thigh muscles. While your knees fall apart, try to get the soles of your feet together. 
  • Keep your eyes closed and relax in the pose while continuing to breathe deeply. 

How it helps relieve stress:

  • It is gentle on the hips and groin muscles, releasing tension stored in these areas.


Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana):

  • Get in the tabletop position where wrists are directly under the shoulders and knees under the hips. Now, you have to focus on your inhaling and exhaling: 
  • When you inhale, your back should arch and belly drop towards the mat. It would help if you looked at the front. It is the cow pose.
  • Now is the time to exhale, and it must round your spine. While doing this, tuck your chin towards your chest and pull your belly button towards your spine. This section of the yoga exercise is the cat pose. 
  • Continue for several rounds till it is easy for you. 

How it helps relieve stress:

  • The Cat-Cow Pose helps to release tension and increase flexibility in the spine by gently moving it.


Standing Forward Bend with Clasped Hands (Uttanasana Variation):

  • Place your arms by your sides and your feet hip-width apart as you stand.
  • As you inhale, place your hands behind your back in a clasp.
  • Now exhale while folding your upper body from the hips. This position will get your clasped hands to come over your head.
  • If maintaining a straight leg stance is difficult for you, consider bending your knees.
  • Breathe deeply and let go of tension as you hold the pose for 30 to 1 minute.

How it helps relieve stress:

The pose relieves stress by alleviating stress in the upper back and hamstrings and brings emotional and mental relaxation.

You Bring The Yo!! Factor In Yoga

Yes, we understand you have a hectic life with no me-time, but investing in our physical and mental health is our responsibility. Yoga is the easiest step towards it. Just take a few minutes for yourself, wear relaxing clothes, and say to yourself I deserve a few minutes of relaxation with these yoga exercises for stress relief.

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